The little-known work of Guillaume Faye, the key thinker on the system for killing people
Audrey d'Aguanno
Five years ago today, Guillaume Faye passed away. This sulphurous, volcanic, flamboyant theorist of the "New Right" left his mark on several generations of activists and changed the worldview of many of our contemporaries. Unfortunately, perhaps not enough is known about his prolific early work.
Guillaume Faye at the yearly GRECE conference in Paris in 1978.
The aim of these few lines is not so much to evoke the man - a colourful man! - but to invite new readers to discover his work, which is so enlightening: while he deals with the most important themes, in his writings there is no highbrow jargon, no pseudo-scholarly blather, no incomprehensible sentences where you struggle to disentangle the subject from the thirty object complements, and his reading is accessible to all.
For Faye, despite having a doctorate in political science and a solid grounding in classical culture, was light years ahead of the dull bookworms he piquantly mocked (and they mocked him back!). A man of a thousand facets, as multi-faceted as his thinking, remarkable in everything he undertook, he was by turns an essayist, an orator (an exceptional one!), a journalist dealing with complicated subjects as well as the worst trivia, an author of erotic short stories and comic strips, a radio host (the caustic Skyman who was the talk of the town on Skyrock, that was him), a hoax organiser, excessive and a jack-of-all-trades, he is even credited with a stint in the pornographic industry (But for lack of evidence, it's probably just another hoax). Driven by an insatiable curiosity, he frequented the most diverse circles, always on the lookout for debate and exchange of ideas, enjoying confronting all possible realities to extract the material for his analyses.
Guillaume Faye, 1982.
Reality... what a word! It underpins all his thinking. A faithful Aristotelian, he reiterates that "we must start from reality in order to change our ideas, and not try to change reality with our fantasies".
Psychorigids abstain
Foreseeing that a convergence of catastrophes will lead to the end of the Western world as we know it, Guillaume Faye theorises Archeofuturism, a blend of techno-science and a return to ancestral values. Archaeofuturism is the spirit of the post-catastrophe, the philosophy that should underpin tomorrow's world. It advocates, among other things, the autarky of wide open spaces and sounds the death knell for egalitarianism, which is quickly overtaken by reality. Deserving more than a few lines of description, we published a summary in three parts (part one here, part two here and part three here: 1: , 2: and 3: ).
"We must not be backward-looking, nor restorationist, nor reactionary, since the past few centuries have generated the pox that is eating us alive. We need to become archaic and ancestral again, while imagining a future that is no longer an extension of the present. Against modernism, futurism. Against pastism, archaism".
Reading Faye means putting an end to incapacitating reaction and sterile nostalgia. To read Faye is to understand, to possess the keys, but with a view to action.
Guillaume Faye and Jean-Marc Vivenza, historian of the Futurist avant-garde in Italy and Europe, at the Summer University of "Synergies Européennes", Trentino, 1998.
In La colonisation de l'Europe, discours vrai sur l'immigration et l'Islam, published in 2000, he revisits several of his articles on multiracial society from the 1980s. His clear-sightedness on the dangers of mass immigration, which at the time he was the only person to tackle in a politically correct manner, remains unequalled. In it, he not only reveals the mechanisms of "mass colonisation by African, North African and Asian peoples", but also goes back over the "ethnomasochism" and "mental AIDS" afflicting European peoples: the collapse of their immune defences as a result of the egalitarian brainwashing they have been subjected to for decades. A harsh and implacable observation, the results of which can be seen today.
Other works from the same period include Avant-guerre: Chronique d'un cataclysme annoncé; Le coup d'État mondial; Sexe et dévoiement, a scathing text in which he tackles the family, sexuality, love, feminism and so on from an archaeofuturist point of view (a must-read!); Comprendre l'Islam, in which he discusses the role of Islam in our society. ); Comprendre l'Islam (Understanding Islam) is an unfiltered, uninhibited analysis of the religion (once again) attacking the old continent; La nouvelle question juive (The New Jewish Question), an essay that has been widely misunderstood (when it has been read at all) and even the subject of fake interviews, the truth of which he will set the record straight here: ); La guerre raciale (The Racial War)...
A provocative work that aims to provoke debate, but extremely well argued: you won't agree with everything, but it will often be hard to prove him wrong.
Faye at the Synergies Européennes summer university, Lombardy, summer 2000.
An essential thinker for understanding the contemporary West
The first phase of Faye's metapolitical output, around 1975-1987 (particularly when he was head of the 'studies and research' section of GRECE), was a flourishing phase of his work. The absurdity of a society in which "we're walking on our heads" is becoming increasingly apparent to our fellow citizens, and the tractors that are pouring into Brussels are a sign that they have understood that decisions are no longer taken in capitals but in stateless offices disconnected from reality. And this is where Guillaume Faye's original work would benefit from being disseminated.
Guillaume Faye and Robert Steuckers at the Summer University of "Synergies Européennes" in Vlotho im Wesergebirge, 2001.
In 1981, in a brilliant phrase, he described power as "a system for killing people". In this absolutely visionary essay, he makes clear the workings of the Western techno-economic system, which intends to transform the world into an anonymous, standardised global society. But beware of conspiracies or Marxist reductions: this system operates like a mechanism, without a conductor. The system has no need of the usual forms of political domination. Being economic and technical, it is self-regulating.
"A civilisation, even a global one, is always based on a cultural past and aims, more or less, to perpetuate itself into the future. A civilisation remains human. A system, on the other hand, is mechanical and timeless".
"The system, like each of its cogs, functions without any end other than its own functioning. (...) The Western system makes people live - or more exactly, die - to the rhythm of its short-term self-regulations. Of course, there is no need to ask what has happened to the notion of destiny. It doesn't even need to be challenged: it simply doesn't exist".
The decisions of States - specific and adopted for the community in the past - have been replaced by strategic choices made within the framework of networks (large private companies, banking organisations, speculators, supranational agencies). Heads of state are no longer needed; regulators will suffice. As society becomes increasingly depoliticised, the spectacularisation of politics intensifies. It's easy to see why such a description is so topical.
In his "Critique of the Western System", he drew a distinction between the West and Europe at a time when the Right was defining itself entirely as Westernist as opposed to Communist. It was written 44 years ago, but it has not aged a day and has inspired many others:
"Western civilisation is not European civilisation. It is the monstrous fruit of European culture, from which it has borrowed its dynamism and entrepreneurial spirit, but to which it is fundamentally opposed, and of the egalitarian ideologies stemming from Judeo-Christian monotheism. It is fulfilled in America, which gave it its decisive impetus in the aftermath of the Second World War. The monotheistic component of Western civilisation is clearly recognisable in its project, which is identical in substance to that of Soviet society: to impose a universal civilisation based on the domination of the economy as a class of life, and to depoliticise peoples for the benefit of global 'management'".
La Nouvelle Société de Consommation, Contre l'économisme, L'Occident comme déclin, Le sens de l'histoire, Les héros sont fatigués, Pour en finir avec le nihilisme, Les titans et les dieux, La société du non-travail, Qu'est-ce que la realpolitik, all the articles on technology and the Faustian spirit... dozens of brilliant, direct, clear and timeless texts and interviews that absolutely must be reread. Like his Pourquoi nous combattons, published in 2001 but which is in fact an expansion of the Petit lexique du partisan européen that he wrote in the 1980s. This Manifesto of European Resistance, conceived as a dictionary of 177 key words, provides a clear answer:
"We are fighting for the heritage of our ancestors and for the future of our children".
Powerless on the international stage, with no desire to perpetuate themselves, the peoples of Europe have left history behind them. Culturally colonised, they are allowing themselves to be invaded. On the threshold of this convergence of disasters - migratory chaos, economic and financial ruin, demographic collapse, political emptiness, the multiplication of armed conflicts on European soil, etc. - it is more necessary than ever to have clear ideas about the reasons for a just struggle for identity, to understand the world around us and the ideologies that drive it, to train one's thinking and to know how to present valid arguments. Reading or re-reading Guillaume Faye is one of them.
We would like to thank Robert Steuckers for his contribution and for providing these previously unpublished photos.
Articles by Guillaume Faye are available on the following websites: Euro-synergies ( ); Archive EROE ( ) ; Guillaume Faye Archives (
Audrey D'Aguanno
[cc], 2024, dispatches free to copy and distribute subject to mention and link to the original source.
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