Disney-World: Yawning emptiness in the theme parks

Disney-World: Yawning emptiness in the theme parks

Source: https://www.unzensuriert.at/195430-disney-world-gaehnende-leere-in-den-freizeitparks/?utm_source=Unzensuriert-Infobrief&utm_medium=E-Mail&utm_campaign=Infobrief&pk_campaign=Unzensuriert-Infobrief

Every year millions of tourists visit the Walt Disney theme parks in the USA.

Short queues in front of attractions

But this year there is a yawning emptiness. The low number of visitors on the bank holidays, 4 July, was particularly noticeable, which is why several us newspapers reported on it.

According to the report, visitors to the Disney theme parks this summer experienced something they have not seen for a long time: short queues in front of the attractions and a lot of freedom of movement.

Attitude instead of entertainment

As uncensored recently reported, the world-famous entertainment company has devoted itself entirely to left-wing social theory. Homo flags and climate religion permeate all areas, from films to theme parks.

The films have recently suffered huge losses: Both the black mermaid Arielle and the film about the genderless "Elemental" failed with the audience - and incurred heavy financial losses. The theme park business was supposed to absorb these losses.

Falling revenues expected

But no rescue is coming from there. Disney executives have stated that they expect fewer visitors and less income from the US parks this year. They declined to comment on exact visitor numbers. However, it is noticeable that the resort in the Orlando area of Florida is offering hotel discounts for the first time during the Christmas season, which is usually a high season.

This may be due to price increases - up nine per cent - but also to the ubiquitous gender and climate ideology. On the latter issue, the group seems to be rowing back: The director responsible for "diversity-sensitive content", i.e. gender ideology, in the films and series has been dismissed and her position has not been advertised.
