French Evil: there can be no genuine political community without a shared religious ethos

French Evil: there can be no genuine political community without a shared religious ethos

By Juan Manuel de Prada


If tomorrow we were found to have terminal pancreatic cancer and the doctor suggested that we give up chocolate or peas to fight it, we would think he was a cosmic-sized fool. Something similar has just been done by the gerontophile Macron, who, in the face of the serious disorders that have afflicted France, has proposed restricting young people's access to video games and social networks. But the West has listened to such a mindlessness without flinching; unmistakable proof that it no longer has the courage to face up to the harsh truth.

Less mindlessly, but with a similar lack of focus, analysts have sprung up like mushrooms to try to find material causes for these riots, which can be summed up as the "maladjustment" of a youth of generally African descent and Mohammedan religion who, when their families have been living in the former metropolis for several generations, discover that their lives lack horizons and the anathema of racism hangs over them. It's a completely overdone version; and if the hooligans themselves have assimilated it, it's because they know that victimhood's fussiness is a feature of ailing societies.

These great social upheavals always have underlying spiritual reasons. France, in its rationalist delirium, thought that the political community could be re-founded on the religious vacuum; or, more precisely, on the creation of a religious substitute that would establish the idolatrous cult of various abstractions. And, once the idolatrous worship of these abstractions was assured, he thought that the religious ethos of the people could be replaced by a 'no man's land' where everyone could create his own morality, as long as it did not interfere with the idolatrous worship of the existing political abstraction. But where a moral 'no-man's land' is established, two things end up happening: that people inclined to immorality can more easily impose the most nefarious and nefarious aberrations; and that moral people develop a growing aversion against the nation which forces them to live in the midst of filth. Thus, paradoxically, the greed of the immoral, who foment chaos in order to indulge the lowest satans, and the disgust of the moral, who come to abhor the pigsty in which they live, converge in the appetite for destruction.

There can be no real political community without a shared religious ethos; or there can only be when there are rulers who, in the interests of coexistence, are concerned to guard a shared moral core. But, curiously enough, the countries where such coexistence has been possible, albeit precarious, have been razed to the ground or are hostile to the West, which seeks to base coexistence on the idolatrous worship of abstractions and on a moral vacuum conducive to aberrations. French evil will only spread throughout the West, which is increasingly in need of a purifying fire.
