Gigantic profits for American companies that ignores sanctions against Russia

Gigantic profits for American companies that ignored sanctions against Russia


At the end of June, the EU Commission adopted the eleventh package of sanctions against Russia. Actually, there should be no more Western goods and companies with economic ties to Russia.

Record growth

But the reality is different. As the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reports, more than 80 percent of Western companies are said to still be active in Russia - against all sanctions.

The American news agency Bloomberg also looked into this issue and announced that the American companies Mondelez, Mars, Cadbury and PepsiCo, which had remained in the Russian market, achieved record sales and record profit growth at the end of 2022.

Americans in the fast lane

PepsiCo quadrupled its net profit, chocolate maker Mondelez doubled its compared to 2021, and Mars' Russian subsidiary managed to increase its net profit by 58 per cent.

All these nice profits were made because many European companies complied with the sanctions and the gap was filled by American companies.
