"Strategic Partnership 2030": Poles make themselves London's continental sword again

"Strategic Partnership 2030": Poles make themselves London's continental sword again

Source: https://zuerst.de/2023/07/13/strategische-partnerschaft-2030-polen-machen-sich-wieder-zum-festlandsdegen-londons/

London/Warsaw. Nothing learned from history: Polish Defence Minister Błaszczak signed an agreement on Wednesday with his British counterpart Cleverly on a "Strategic Partnership 2030" between the two countries. This is to be about strengthening cooperation in foreign, security and defence policy.

The strategic partnership sets out joint priorities of London and Warsaw. This includes not only military cooperation between the two countries, but also coordinated action in certain theatres such as Belarus and China. In doing so, the new treaty builds on an earlier 2017 agreement on defence and security cooperation between the two countries.

"Our 2030 Partnership commits the UK and Poland to even stronger defence, security and foreign policy cooperation in the future," said UK Defence Secretary Cleverly.

The partnership also aims to strengthen cooperation between the two countries' armed forces by "increasing the intensity and frequency of joint exercises, strengthening NATO's deterrence and defence posture, and standing together in our approaches to the Indo-Pacific region," a press release from London said, adding: "As a historic Defence Partner and NATO Ally, the UK stands alongside Poland to defend NATO's eastern flank and support Ukraine against Russian aggression."

Warsaw has enjoyed the special support of London before - in 1939, after London had given the Polish government the so-called "blank cheque" in case of war with Germany. When the time came, Poland was overrun by the Wehrmacht in 17 days, and there was no more talk of British support. (mü)

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