The mysteries of our submission to the American Democratic Party
Nicolas Bonnal
The Democrat Party is the favourite party of the French and Europeans; it is the party of the so-called socialists and minorities, the party of ecologists and LGBTQ people and, above all, the party of the war to the death against China and Russia. When Obama supposedly had the token bin Laden killed, Kagan gloated that it was 'democratically' possible to wage a messianic war of extermination against the rest of the world. Especially with Trump on the other side...
But the Democratic Party is above all the party of the first two world wars: the USA saw, they came, they conquered - and as Trotsky said, they put European social democracy at their service in order to reduce Europe to the bare essentials.
It seems that the invincible and indestructible Democratic Party will also be the party of the Third World War, which will finish off the debilitated and consenting old man of Europe.
In France, the land of human rights and endless wars, the Democratic Party is honoured above all. In the polls, the frowning public wanted to vote 90% for Biden against Trump, who guaranteed them peace and cheap energy (but we won't do the French again). We honour the memory of Roosevelt (Franklin Delano), Wilson and Kennedy. They deify Obama in France, who demolished Libya, populated Europe with migrants, and unleashed the final hostilities against Russia in 2014, all the while receiving a Nobel Prize in Stockholm and triggering the liquidation of our industries on eco-banking orders.
This Democrat party is leading the world to its perdition with its third world war against China and Russia; it is leading Europe to its total ruin and it is handing America over to the ethnic hordes as they say, to the LGBTQ lobby and to financial bankruptcy via the debt - all against the backdrop of the infinite and arrogant rise of the stock market.
It was he who, populated by 'dybbouks' (Kunstler), created the Federal Bank under Wilson (elected thanks to a split in the Republicans and the abusive and no doubt controlled participation of Theodore Roosevelt in the 1912 presidential elections) with the Warburgs, it was he who liquidated American liberalism and strengthened and created the modern state (see the collective work by Denton, Goldberg and Hoppe), it was he who militarised the nation and created the thousand bases, it was he who created the Second World War and reduced Europe to a bare minimum, it was he who, with Truman, created the Cold War against Russia from A to Z (brilliant Ralph Raico) and it was he who waged war for ten years in Vietnam, a useless, murderous and cruel war. But it is he who is adored.
And at the same time as it wants a war of extermination against Russia and China, this party wants to replace the population (whatever country it controls in Europe) and wipe out agriculture and industry (Harris-Kerry).
And that's normal, because it's the party not of chaos (as Kunstler says) but of death. The Westerner of the End Times adores the obscure, as Guénon said, whereas he adores death.
And for pity's sake, we won't talk about JFK. We will repeat with Trotsky:
"Social democracy is responsible for preparing this new situation, that is, for politically helping American capital to ration Europe. What is German and French Social Democracy doing at the moment, what are Socialists all over Europe doing? They are educating themselves and endeavouring to educate the working masses in the religion of Americanism; in other words, they are making Americanism, the role of American capital in Europe, a new political religion."
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