"I am a Russian Christian, and I am white. I am the Russian people!"
In memory of Darya Dugina
By Werner Olles
Exactly one year ago, on 20 August 2022, the Ukrainian secret service carried out a murderous terrorist attack on Darya Dugina, the daughter of the well-known Russian philosopher Alexandr Dugin. The explosives detonated in her car, shredding the young woman. Darya was just 29 years old, she was a philosopher, journalist and heroic fighter, and with her death she became a martyr for the eternal truth of the tradition, which is Orthodox and metapolitical and embodies the Russian spirit and soul. Schooled by Plato, she stood, like her father, for multipolar thinking and a revolution expressed in Russia's radical turning away from the "collective West", a total break with globalist imperialism, its subversive swamp, its spiritual perfidy and the satanic hatred of Western-globalist mudslingers for Orthodox Russia. In her whole person, this young woman embodied the superiority of truth, goodness and spirit over soul-less and godless materialism. Her path was that of metapolitical struggle, which, however, is always also a real war to the death. Not without reason was the motto of her Telegram channel "Life is war on earth!", and not without reason was her life motto: "I am a Russian Christian, and I am white. I am the Russian people!"
Darya had long been at the top of the Kiev junta's murder list by Anglo-American, Nato and EU grace. The "Tradition Festival" she attended with her father on 20 August was used by the Ukrainian terrorists to strike without mercy. At that moment, the front was torn at the very place where she died, blown up by a car bomb. This was no armed struggle, however, but cold, cowardly, dastardly murder to spread pure terror, break her parents and put a tick behind her name on the Ukrainian death list. Once again, the murderous stooges of genocidal ultra-liberal globalism showed their true colours and revealed their totalitarian nature that will stop at nothing. Too pathetic to wage the culture war for the eternal truth of tradition and for a multipolar civilisation of peoples on a spiritual, meta-political level where they would be hopelessly inferior to Darya, they resorted to the only means they really know perfectly: Terror and murder. In doing so, they extinguished the life of a young woman who had not yet been able to found a family herself, but who had dedicated her entire existence to the struggle for Christian Orthodox truth and the freedom of the peoples and their culture.
The Eurasian movement and the multipolar vision forged by Darya's father, Alexandr Dugin, directed against unipolarism, multinational corporations and the ultra-liberalism of Western postmodernism, represent today the Great Awakening in the struggle for the freedom of peoples and civilisations against the Anglo-Saxon New World Order, which is demonic and satanic in every sense of the word. This can be described without exaggeration as the final battle between the Katechon and the Antichrist. This struggle aims at a new European Empire of nations and regions from Lisbon to the Russian East Coast on the Pacific, in which nations, regions, civilisations and cultures are liberated from the hegemony of US imperialism, from the Masonic mischief of the lords of money from Davos, from creatures like the Rockefeller and Rothschild clans, George Soros, Bill Gates and whatever their names may be.
For Darya Dugina, the totalitarian monster of the "collective West" was not just an anti-Russian front, but a hostile geopolitical pole against which Russia was waging a just war in the east of Ukraine, which is inhabited by a majority of Russians - to speak with St. Thomas Aquinas. It was clear to her that what is happening now in the Donbas is an "event" (Heidegger) and, in her own words, "a manifestation of the Russian essence in history". Thus she gave her love, since she had not yet been granted the opportunity to found a family of her own, to her parents, her Christian faith and the Russian people.
Her tragic death leaves on the one hand a deep, painful wound, but on the other hand it is a strong motivation for the enemies of turbo-capitalism and ultra-liberalism to fight for the creation of a multipolar world and for the geopolitical and economic independence of Europe. Darya also taught us to finally abandon today's diastasis in our own ranks, to confront the icy, capitalist-technocratic predatory structures, the destruction of the traditional family and the blasphemous transhumanist delusions of the liberal parties, which are moving towards a grotesque neo-conservatism, to courageously and steadfastly oppose, to breathe new life into our extinct life force, to overcome the degenerate, chaotic and perverted that alienates us from the human nature given to us by our Creator, to live and die faithfully and thus reunite with the source of our divine origin. When we think of Darya Dugina today, we should also remember our own mediocrity, our despondency, our pusillanimous internal squabbles and digressions, our false tolerance in times of eschatological oblivion, and our inability to realistically recognise the tragic state of the modern, traditionless, rootless, atomised human being, and how this brave young woman would have responded. She would tell us, finally realise and feel what is essential, don't stop fighting, each at his post. Do not believe the lies and slanders of your mainstream media and compulsory channels, which are even worse and dirtier than the anti-grass roots activities of your governments... Yes, it is possible that you will not win this eternal battle against evil as easily and quickly as you might imagine in your dreams, but if you do not fight, you have already lost!
Despite her murderers, who are as pathetic as they are cruel, Darya lives on in our hearts and memories. Death - where is your sting! Hell - where is your victory?!
Published on Synergon-Info on 20 August 2023
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