Slavoj Žižek and the human being as catastrophe

Slavoj Žižek and the human being as catastrophe

By Alexander Markovics

More radical than the "Last Generation": With "war communism" against the climate crisis

The "Last Generation" demands compliance with the 1.5 degree target, but there are people in this world for whom this is not radical enough. In an interview with the taz, the far-left and globalist philosopher Slavoj Žižek, born in 1949, calls for the introduction of "war communism" to solve the climate crisis. But what is the strategy behind this strident action and what does he really want to achieve with it?

Against Political Correctness and Mass Immigration, but for Globalism - a Case of Intellectual Bogus Opposition

The Slovenian thinker likes to stage himself as an oppositionist: he rejects political correctness because for him it means talking without acting, mass immigration to Europe even represents one of the four apocalyptic horsemen of our present. But at the same time, the disciple of the Freudo-Marxist Jaques Lacan uses the climate crisis hyped up by the Western elites and NGOs to discuss even more radical measures in terms of globalism. Because here too, Žižek says, there is too much talk but too little action.

A supposed oppositionist in the service of the globalists: trivialising extreme measures for the Great Reset

Analogous to the climate alarmists and their radical masterminds, he speaks of a "climate trap" that can only be overcome with authoritarian measures. Typical of Žižek, the Slovenian philosopher deliberately trivialises the term used: instead of speaking of the total bureaucratisation and militarisation of the communist war economy, including terror and violence against dissidents, to which he refers by the term, he refers to US President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his direct intervention  in economic policy to increase arms output. To justify authoritarian measures such as the elimination of democracy for the sake of the climate, he conjures up an apocalyptic state of emergency: we are in a war for survival that can only be won through more "good governance".

The Totalitarian Measure State as the Last Resort for the Globalist Project

For him, of course, this good form of rule can no longer be a democracy, but only a totalitarian state of measures that does everything the Western elites think is right. From this point of view, it is also only logical when Slavoj Žižek advocates the end of the multi-party state in order to be able to find "a way out of the climate trap". The reason why the WEF, the EU and other Western institutions are increasingly resorting to this kind of propaganda, Slovenian intellectuals included, is because they recognise a crisis of liberalism, which is no longer able to mobilise enough people for its goals. It is for no other reason that the Great Reset was conceived, to keep the failing globalisation project going through coercive measures. The carrot can no longer win Europeans over to the measures of globalist liberalism; consequently, from the point of view of the elites, the stick must be brought out.

The threat of apocalypse as leverage for a "no-alternative" policy 

According to the globalists' thinking, the problem is the individual, not a false ideology or corrupt elites. It is not only the individual who causes them headaches and becomes a "catastrophe", but above all those who are politically organised or even see themselves as a people. It is no coincidence that Žižek warns against "populism", by which he means all those who do not want to submit to the Great Reset. One can get the impression that in the minds of the global elite, the Monday demo slogan "We are the people, the wall must go!" has been reversed into "We are the wall, the people must go!" and has become the guiding principle of their politics. In the process, images of an impending apocalypse are deliberately created, which are hammered into people's heads again and again by the mainstream media, day in, day out. Their aim is not only to scare their own citizens and make them compliant with ever more extreme measures. Those who do not bow to them are dehumanised, society is divided into "climate deniers" and "supporters of the right measures".

In the end, their aim is to create the illusion that there is no alternative to their own measures, as was the case in 2015 with Angela Merkel's Open Borders Policy and in 2019 ff. in the course of COVID-19. At least on this point, one can agree with the Slovenian philosopher, who is also jokingly called "Cocaine Hegel" because of his constantly running nose during public appearances: The climate issue has indeed become one of the four apocalyptic horsemen in the real-existing West. But the "climate apocalypse" is not a real threat, but a carefully orchestrated, therapeutic measure that is supposed to drive us to the right behaviour, i.e. obedience to the globalisers. But no matter how much liberal politicians and their court philosophers threaten us and no matter what they want to scare us with: If we as a people manage to stick together and organise ourselves politically in the sense of a struggle for hegemony, then the climate panic, just like the coronapanic, will come to nothing.
